How to Fix Google Account Sign-In Android Phone

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction

It can be frustrating when your Smartphone has problems with your Google account.

This guide will walk you through resolving this problem.

Android Google Account Action Required notification.

2. Account Action Required

  1. Swipe down from the top of your phone.
Top of Android phone with arrow indicating to swipe down.
  1. From your notifications, select Account Action Required.
Notifications with Account Action Required highlighted.
  1. Select Next.
Google account Sign in welcome screen with Next highlighted.
  1. You will be asked for your Google Account Password.
Sign in password entry dialog.

3. Enter Google Password

  1. Enter your password, then select Next.
Password entry dialog with password and Next highlighted.
  1. If successful, you will be returned to your Home screen or back to the app you had been previously working with. If unsuccessful, the password entry field will turn red, with an indication of when your password was last changed.
Password Entry Dialog after entering wrong password with password entry area highlighted.

4. Forgot Password

While this process can be frustrating, Google's Account Recovery system is designed to keep you safe. Google does not want anyone to make changes or incur charges on your account with your authorization.

  1. Select Forgot password.
Password Entry Dialog with Forgot Password highlighted.
  1. You will be asked a series of questions related to your account. Each time, enter the information you remember about your Google account, then select Next.
Account recovery asking for last known password.
Account recovery asking for when the account was created.

  1. These questions will change depending on what information is associated with your account, and can range from using a phone number that's registered to your account, getting a text, entering your last known password, entering the date that you created your Google account, etc.
  2. If you are able to successfully authenticate your account, you'll be prompted to enter a new password.
Change password dialog.

5. Select Password

Wherever possible, you should pick a password that is impossible to guess and is also resistant to brute-force attacks. Note that some devices or systems do not allow special characters or they may have their own requirements.

Best practices for picking a strong password:

  • Passwords should be around 8 to 12 characters, but can be longer.
  • Avoid using words that are in the dictionary.
  • DO NOT use information that is easy to guess or phish for such as:
  • Important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
  • Names of pets, friends, family, locations, etc.
  • Add some complexity to your password by adding at least:
  • 1 Capital letter
  • 1 Small letter
  • 1 Symbol
  • 1 Number
  • Try replacing letters with symbols, for example:
  • "Abc?123!" is easier to guess than "@B(?123!"
  • "Password!?" is easier to guess than "P@$$w0rd!?".

6. Change Password Prompt

  1. Enter your new password twice, then select Change Password.
Change password dialog with password entry fields and Change Password button highlighted.
  1. Once successful, you will be returned to your home screen.
  2. After a few moments, you will receive an account security email message from Google, letting you know that your account's password was just changed.
Google Password Change email message.

You will need to use this new Google Account password with all devices that access your Google account. This would include devices such as your laptop, tablet, etc.

7. What's next?