How to Fix Xbox One Achievements and Challenges

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction

Achievement unlocked message on Xbox One.

After you complete achievements and challenges on your Xbox One, you can claim rewards and raise your gamerscore. To successfully unlock achievements and challenges, you need to make sure the following are true:

  • You have completed all of the required elements to unlock the achievement. You may have to unlock a combination of achievements.
  • Your console must be connected to Xbox Live. To complete challenges and unlock achievements, your Xbox One console cannot be set to offline.

Challenges must be completed within a set amount of time. You have weeks, months, or just hours to complete the challenge. If you don't complete it within the given timeframe, you won't receive a reward.

You can earn app achievements just for using an app. App achievements do not affect gamerscore, though they may bring other in-app rewards.

Completed achievements that are pending confirmation on Xbox Live will be listed as Done! Unlocking. This means the achievement will be processed in the order it was sent to the Xbox Live service and may take some time to be confirmed.

Done Unlocking message showing for Xbox One achievement.

If you meet the requirements to complete the achievement or challenge, but you don't see the “toast” icon or the achievement isn't listed, the solutions provided within this guide may resolve your issue.

2. Sign-in Xbox Live

Sign into an existing account:

  1. On your Xbox controller, press the Xbox Guide button.
An Xbox controller showing the guide button
  1. From the Home screen, scroll left to select your gamertag. Select Sign in.
Xbox home page showing sign in

If you don't see the account you want to sign into, add it:

  1. On your Xbox controller, press the Xbox Guide button.
Xbox button. Diagram.
  1. Select Add & manage.
Xbox menu showing add and manage selected.
  1. Select Add New.
Xbox add new icon.
  1. Sign in using your Microsoft Account's email address.
Xbox live sign in page.
  1. Enter your password.
Xbox live password field.
  1. You will be shown the privacy statement summary. Once you are done reviewing it, select Next.
Xbox live terms of service.
  1. If this console isn't yours, it is recommended to select Lock it down to require a password to sign in. This will protect your account for unauthorized access
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts until you finish.
  3. On your controller, press the Xbox button and then select Home.
Xbox button. Diagram.
  1. From the Home screen, scroll left to select your gamertag. Select Sign in.
Xbox showing the home menu and sign in options.

3. Verify Server Status

  1. On your computer, smartphone, or tablet, visit
Xbox Live Status web page.
  1. Under Services, make sure Xbox Live Core Services and Purchase and Content Usage show as Normal.
Xbox Live Status web page highlighting the current Service status.
  1. If you are having problem with a particular game or app, look under the Games and Apps section of the page, to be sure those parts of Xbox Live are not having problems.
Xbox Live Status web page highlighting the Games and Apps service statuses.

4. Check Achievements

  1. Press the Xbox button on the controller.
Placement of Xbox button on gamepad pointed out.
  1. Go to the Achievements tab.
Achievements tab pointed out in Xbox One menu.
  1. Then go to to See all my achievements. The option may also show up as See my achievements.
See all my achievements option highlighted in Xbox One menu.
  1. Choose the game in which you unlocked the achievement, then check out the unlocked achievements list.
Achievements screen on Xbox One.

If you completed the requirements to unlock the achievement on your console but it doesn't show, it may not be synchronized with Xbox Live. Allow up to 72 hours for this synchronization to take place.

5. Check Achievements Online

  1. On your computer, smartphone, or tablet, visit
  2. Sign in with the same username (usually your e-mail address) and password you used on your Xbox.
Xbox Live Website Signin
  1. Go to the gamericon in the top-right corner of the page.
Gamericon highlighted and pointed out on Xbox online account page.
  1. Then go to Achievements.
Achievements option highlighted and pointed out on Xbox online account page.
  1. Select the title of the achievement you're trying to unlock.
  2. If the achievement appears under Achievements, it's already unlocked.

If the achievement appears under “Locked Achievements,” either the achievement was not successfully unlocked, or the console isn't yet synchronized with Xbox Live. Allow up to 72 hours for this synchronization to take place. If it hasn't appeared after 72 hours, try unlocking the achievement again.

6. Power Cycle

From the console

  1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of the console for approximately 10 seconds or until it turns off.
Power button pointed out on Xbox One.
  1. Press the Xbox button to turn it back on.

From the controller

  1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the controller.
Xbox button pointed out on controller.
  1. Select Turn console off from the on-screen prompt.
Turn console off option highlighted in on-screen prompt.
  1. Press the Xbox button to turn it back on.

7. What's next?