How to set up a YubiKey with Keeper

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction

How to set up a YubiKey with Keeper


2. Set Up

Keeper provides two-factor authentication (2FA) with any FIDO2 WebAuthn compatible hardware key such as the YubiKey 5 NFC, YubiKey 5C NFC, and YubiKey 5Ci.

Choose the Device and follow the instructions


3. iOS - iPhone & iPad

Support for NFC devices is available with Keeper iOS version 16.4.0 and newer. 

 Setup and Configuration

(1) Before you add a security key, a Two-Factor Authentication method must be in place as a backup.

(2) Under Settings > Two-Factor Authentication, tap the field under "Security Keys".

(3) Tap Add New and enter a name for the device.

(4) Select NFC or Insert and Touch, depending on the type of key.

(5) Tap the key on the back of your device, or touch the sensor on your YubiKey.

(6) Your security key has been registered, tap OK to finish.

A user can register up to 5 security keys. Any one of those keys will unlock the account. To delete a security key, swipe left on the registered key in the Security Key page and tap Delete

Register Fido2 Device Screen

Prompt Frequency & Offline Access

The FIDO2 WebAuthn device will be required for login based on the configuration of the first 2FA method. For example:

  • If the first 2FA method is set to "Prompt Every Login", then the Yubikey will be required on every login, and offline login will be disabled.
  • If the first 2FA method is set to "Every 30 days", then the Yubikey will be required every 30 days, and offline login will be disabled.
  • If the first 2FA method is set to "Remember Forever", then the Yubikey will only be required one time on each new device. Offline vault login will be enabled.

4. Android

Support for NFC devices is available with Keeper Android version 16.4.0 and newer.

 Setup & Configuration

(1) Before you add a security key, a Two-Factor Authentication method must be in place as a backup.

(2) Under Settings > Two-Factor Authentication, tap Add next to "Security Keys".

(3) Tap + Add Key and enter a name for the security key, then tap REGISTER.

(4) Tap GET STARTED and select Use security key with NFC.

(5) Hold your key flat against the back of your device until it stops vibrating.

(6) Your security key has been registered.

A user can register up to 5 security keys. Any one of those keys will unlock the account. To delete a security key from the Security Keys screen, check the box to the left of the registered key and then tap the trash bin icon, then DELETE.


Register Fido2 Device Screen

Prompt Frequency and Offline Access

The FIDO2 WebAuthn device will be required for login based on the configuration of the first 2FA method. For example:

  • If the first 2FA method is set to "Prompt Every Login", then the Yubikey will be required on every login, and offline login will be disabled.
  • If the first 2FA method is set to "Every 30 days", then the Yubikey will be required every 30 days, and offline login will be disabled.
  • If the first 2FA method is set to "Remember Forever", then the Yubikey will only be required one time on each new device. Offline vault login will be enabled.