Authored by: Tech Pro Team
Email is a great way to keep up with friends, family, and business associates around the world. This guide will help you set up your Mac laptop or desktop to access your email account using the built-in Mail program.
Fast Settings
If you are familiar with setting up a mail account, and just want the settings, they are provided below. Otherwise, continue with this guide for simple instructions to set everything up.User NameYour Full Email Address.PasswordYour email password.Account TypeIMAPIncoming Mail Serverimap-mail.outlook.comIncoming Mail Server Port993Incoming Mail Server EncryptionYes, SSLOutgoing Mail Serversmtp-mail.outlook.comOutgoing Mail Server Port587 for TLS or None Webmail
If you'd like to test your password, or simply use webmail instead.
macOS works by combining all your Internet accounts in one place. By adding your account to your Internet Accounts list, the Mail program will set itself up automatically.