How to Update Drivers on Mac

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

Updating Drivers on Mac


Updating drivers on your Mac is an important maintenance task that can improve system stability and performance. Here's how to update drivers on a Mac:

  1. Check for macOS Updates:

Before updating individual drivers, make sure your macOS is up to date. Apple often includes driver updates with macOS system updates. Go to the Apple menu > "About This Mac" > "Software Update" to check for and install any available macOS updates.

  1. Identify the Hardware in Need of Drivers:

Determine the specific hardware components that require driver updates. Common hardware that may have drivers include graphics cards, printers, and external devices.

  1. Visit the Manufacturer's Website:

Go to the official website of the hardware manufacturer. Look for a "Support" or "Downloads" section.

  1. Search for Drivers:

Use the search function on the manufacturer's website to find drivers for your specific hardware model. Some manufacturers offer automatic detection tools that can identify the appropriate drivers for your system.

  1. Download the Drivers:

Download the latest drivers for your hardware. Be sure to choose the version that is compatible with your macOS version.

  1. Install the Drivers:

Open the downloaded driver file and follow the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. This often involves running an installer package.

  1. Reboot Your Mac:

After installing drivers, it's a good practice to restart your Mac to ensure the changes take effect.

  1. Use the App Store (for some components):

For certain hardware components, like graphics cards, macOS may provide driver updates through the App Store. Check the App Store for driver updates if applicable.

  1. Use System Preferences:

Some drivers, like printer drivers, can be updated via "System Preferences." Go to Apple menu > "System Preferences" > "Printers & Scanners" or other relevant sections to manage driver updates.

  1. Check for Manufacturer Software:

Some hardware manufacturers offer software packages that include driver updates. Check the manufacturer's website for such software and install it if necessary.

  1. Automate Updates (Optional):

There are third-party apps like "Driver Easy" and "Driver Booster" available that can automate the process of finding and installing driver updates. While convenient, exercise caution when using third-party apps. 

By following these steps, you can update drivers on your Mac, which can help resolve compatibility issues and ensure your hardware components work optimally with your macOS.

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